Roadmap to Camel 4

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Apache Camel 4 is on the way for 1st half in 2023. The need for Camel 4 is mainly driven by Java open source projects migrating from javax to jakarta APIs and to keep up with popular runtimes such as Spring Boot and Quarkus. Primary Goals Migrate from javax -> jakarta (JEE 10) Java 17 as minimum Spring Framework 6 Spring Boot 3 Quarkus 3 Release Goals Release only what is ready (JEE10 / Java17) This means that Camel components that are not ready (yet) will be dropped in a release until they are ready.

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Camel 2022 in Numbers

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It’s the time of the year when we take a look back at 2022, and compile a brief summary (by numbers) of the Apache Camel project(s). Camel 2022 in Numbers Number of Camel Core releases in 2022: 19 Number of Camel Quarkus releases in 2022: 15 Number of Camel K releases in 2022: 11 Number of Camel Kafka Connector releases in 2022: 4 Number of commits in 2022: 6162 [1]

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New release of VS Code Language Support for Camel 0.6.0 and Tooling for Camel K 0.0.33

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There are new releases of two VS Code extensions: VS Code Language support for Apache Camel 0.6.0 Microsoft Marketplace Open VSX Markeptlace VS Code Tooling for Apache Camel K 0.0.33 Microsoft Marketplace Open VSX Marketplace Camel versions upgrades Update default Camel Catalog version from 3.18.2 to 3.20.0 (which is an LTS) Update Kamelet Catalog from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 Update Camel Quarkus Catalog from 2.13.0 to 2.15.0 Update default Camel K runtime and kamel CLI version to v1.

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